It is important to observe your self-talk. Often in these talks, you can see patterns in your thoughts. The patterns of self-limiting beliefs, lies and the half-truths that you tell yourself. Such misbeliefs can be a strong reason that is holding you back and not allowing you to reach your goals and true potential. Let's see how you can address these:
Ask where do these misbeliefs start? Was it some first-hand experience that had an impact on you? Did you listen to someone else's advice and it didn't turn out what you expected? Find the root cause and try to address the issue. Take a pen and paper to mind-dump the issue, its root cause and what can you do to overcome such misbeliefs.
Facing the same event can give a different result next time: Maybe you failed at something before like a project, job interview, relationship, startup, etc. What if you try again? But this time learning from your experience and doing something slightly different than last time. You might fail again but at least you didn't stop yourself from trying. Persistence is powerful.
Try to look for small wins that will set the momentum: Finding it difficult to exercise? How about setting a goal of one week to walk at least 30 minutes a day. Next time, slightly increase the level of difficulty. Try running instead of walking. Once you get over the small challenges, you set the momentum for achieving goals. As time goes on, the small wins will compound and with consistency, you can challenge yourself to achieve something big.
Do I know the complete truth? Sometimes we often isolate our thinking without considering the bigger picture. We do not consider the perspective of the other person or the possibility that something else can be a reason for a particular result or outcome. In such cases, we must strive to know the complete truth and embrace difficult conversations that may follow.
Ego is the Enemy: The voice in your head that says to not worry about working hard when you are at the top. It is the voice that tells you, you are worthless and trying won't improve your situation when you fail at something. Silence this voice at all costs. You are responsible for your actions and not the result.
More or less it will always boil down to pinpointing your problem and taking respective actions for it. Start identifying and addressing to get over your mental blockers.