Knowing how to code is nothing less than a superpower.
It lets one create stuff with minimal resources that can be useful for others. Imagine kids developing this superpower at an early age. They are not discouraged easily and can overcome challenges better than an adult. Their imagination does not know practical limitations. Programming is translating this imagination into building stuff. This stuff can be anything - a robot to play around with, a nice website, solving mathematical problems, creating games, intelligent solutions, etc.
Entrepreneurs in making: If a kid works on side projects apart from regular school homework, he/ she is an entrepreneur in making. Not only this but kids enjoy making the computer do stuff. With the democratization of Artificial Intelligence and Web 3.0, kids will have more resources at their fingertips and will be able to address larger problems. Who knows, if kids can come up with solutions that completely transform our digital experience.
Programmers have better logical thinking and are good at problem-solving: Programming is breaking down a big problem into smaller chunks and solving these chunks of challenges using a programming language. While doing this, they consider what will work and what may fail. They design the edge cases for it. While implementing, a programmer also thinks of the bigger picture. The brain undergoes a workout. This is so important for the overall growth of the kid.
Game Developers Kids who play video games turn out to be intelligent adults. The games have challenges and levels that make them interesting for kids to pursue. A lot of kids come up with novel game ideas. If they know programming they can very well become game developers.
If you know kids around, ask them to pick up programming as a hobby. Encourage them to come up with a project of their choice. The kid will thank you after a decade.