World Isn't Binary. Things Can Coexist.

It's easy to label humans for the choices they make. The point I want to drive here is to respect individual choices.

When you start to write online, a big dilemma you'd face is to narrow down on a niche. What if I just want to write about topics that interest me. I don't want to narrow down on one thing. I like tech and other things. I look for an intersection. Moreover, if I just talk about a single topic my identity will always be attached to that one thing. I will always be under pressure of pleasing my audience and their expectations on that topic. I am writing for just 1 person. This person is me 2 years ago. How boring it would be if I chose between tech or other things. I am choosing tech and other things. These other things help me explore curiosities and the other side of the spectrum.

Let us talk about other examples at large:

  1. Bitcoin maximalists term other altcoins as shitcoins. There are applications for other cryptos and people invest in them. Also, not investing in crypto is perfectly valid.
  2. The never-ending political clashes between the left-wing and right-wing ideologies. There's something called Center as well. Being apolitical is also a stand.

So many times we don't talk about what's going on in our heads. It's because we are afraid people start categorizing us. A person doesn't necessarily have to be skilled at one thing only or have an opinion about something. As humans, it is OK to not have exclusive choices. People who realize that things can coexist often avoid conflicts and are easy to get along, explore different things, and are more likely to enjoy.

I want to conclude this essay with a quote I really like:

"The world isn't binary. Everything isn't black or white, yes or no. Sometimes it's not a switch, it's a dial. And it's not even a dial you can get your hands on; it turns without your permission or approval"

― Jeff Garvin, Symptoms of Being Human

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